Articles on: Getting Started

Intro to Meta (Facebook) ads:

Facebook Ads and Google Ads have a few differences when it comes to marketing and advertisements. While with Google we are counting on a high user intention, targeting by keywords and paying per ad click (CPC), with Facebook we are targeting low-intent users, mainly based on custom audiences interests and segmentations, and paying per 1000 impressions (CPM).

Tapper tracks the invalid activity coming through your Facebook ads and exclude invalid users from the targeted audience.

How Does It Work?

When a user clicks on a Facebook ad and lands on your website, Tapper is able to detect if the user is valid or not based on a complex set of detection rules and different data points. Once we detect an invalid user, we signal to Facebook that this user is invalid. The invalid users are being "collected" into a dynamic custom audience list which will be blocked from seeing your future ads.

When implementing Facebook protection features, we will be creating audience exclusions to your active campaigns. Once applying the audience exclusions, your ads might be going into review, due to the change in the ad-set targeting. Note that most ads are reviewed within 24 hours. Once the audience lists are live in your ad-sets, they will automatically update and improve over time. You should not expect the ad-sets to enter the learning phase or ads review again.

Click here to read more about Facebook Ads In Review on Meta's Help Center.

We need at least one click on the ad that will redirect the user to a landing page in order to identify the fraud. Therefore, Tapper supports only ads that lead the user to the site.

Ad accounts that have only ads that keep the user on Facebook won’t be protected. Examples: Video ads, Form Generation ads, Impression campaigns.

Ad accounts that have a mix of ad types (those that keep the user on Facebook and those that lead the user to an external site):

Tapper will detect the clicks.
Ad accounts that have a mix of ad types (those that keep the user on Facebook and those that lead the user to an external site) and Tapper will detect the clicks.

Note: this feature requires:

Tapper monitoring script implemented on site
Facebook pixel implemented on site
Permissions to an ad account
Accept Facebook custom audience TOS

If you have any questions about this process, feel free to reach out to our 24/7 chat support.

Updated on: 15/08/2024

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