Articles on: Getting Started

Resolving "Unauthorized" Errors When Connecting Google Ads

If you are receiving an "Unauthorized" error or similar message while attempting to connect your Google Ads account to Tapper, it’s likely due to insufficient permissions at the account level.

This guide will help you resolve the issue by adding your email as an admin within one of your Google Ads accounts, even if you already have admin access at the MCC (Manager Account) level.

Why Am I Seeing This Error?

Google Ads requires account-level permissions, even if you have administrative access at the MCC level. This means that Tapper cannot establish a connection unless you have admin permissions directly on the individual ad account.

How to Add Yourself as an Admin at the Account Level

Follow these steps to add yourself as an admin to the specific ad account:

Sign in to your Google Ads account.
Navigate to the individual ad account where you need admin access.
This should be one of the accounts under the MCC you are managing.
Click the Tools & Settings icon (wrench icon) in the upper right corner.
Under the "Setup" section, select Access and Security.
Click the + (Plus) button to add a new user.
Enter your email address.
Set the Access level to Admin.
Click Send Invitation.

Once you accept the invitation and have admin access to the specific ad account, return to Tapper and try reconnecting the account.

Additional Resources

For more details on access levels in Google Ads, refer to Google’s support article here: About access levels in your Google Ads Account

If the issue persists, please contact Tapper support, and we’ll assist you further!

Updated on: 11/11/2024

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