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Block all IPs after the first click - why, who & when

A Click Fraud Threshold of 1 would mean that every click done by any IP address (be it genuine or fraudulent) would have that IP blocked immediately and added to the exclusion lists of all of your campaigns.

This setting is not recommended for most of the industries and businesses and that is because:

You may be blocking genuine traffic for sure after their first click.
The cap placed on the exclusion lists by Google has to be taken into consideration.

The maximum amount of IP's that can be blocked at any one time is 500. Once that cap is reached, our system will start removing old IP's and putting in new ones.

Of course, our algorithm prioritizes known bad IP's over potential good ones but this is still not recommended for most of the industries.

Who should use this setting then? On-demand Services.

With On-demand services, CPC (Cost Per Click) are very high, competition is fierce and the time to conversion is fast. Those services are extremely competitive industries and ripe with fraud. That is why we recommend going with a an extremely aggressive fraud blocking strategy of blocking each IP after the first click.

Since, the majority of legitimate leads will give you a phone call after the first paid ad click, there is no reason to allow someone to click on your ads a bunch of times and waste your budget.

Updated on: 15/08/2024

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