Articles on: Troubleshooting

How to pass parameters to the final URL suffix

When using Tapper, you'll need to place the Tapper tracking template at the account level in your Google Ads account. But what if you already have parameters set up there?

Many services use the tracking template to send custom or Google Ads parameters to the final URL. Tapper allows you to keep those parameters intact. Simply append your custom parameters to the end of the Tapper tracking template, and our system will ensure they're included in the final URL.

To pass Google Ads-related parameters effectively, it’s recommended to place them in the "Final URL suffix" field, located just below the tracking template field. This aligns with Google Ads' best practices for passing parameters to the final URL.

For example, if your current tracking template is {lpurl}?&campaign_id=abc&p2=123

Do not copy the template in this article. Only use this guide as an example. The correct template is found within your ClickCease dashboard.

The combined tracking template will look like this:{adposition}&physical_location={loc_physical_ms}&interest_location={loc_interest_ms}&ad_group_id={adgroupid}&keyword={keyword}&network={network}&url={lpurl}&campaign_id={lpurl}?&campaign_id=abc&p2=123&device_model={devicemodel}&match_type={matchtype}&creative={creative}&target={target}&placement={placement}&param1={param1}&param2={param2}&ad_type={adtype}&merchant_id={merchant_id}&product_channel={product_channel}&product_id={product_id}&product_country={product_country}&product_language={product_language}&product_partition_id={product_partition_id}&store_code={store_code}&gclid={gclid}

We have actually made 3 changes to the original template: {lpurl}?p1=abc&p2=123

We dropped the {lpurl} from the original template so we get this: ?p1=abc&p2=123

We replaced the "?" with a "&" in the original template so we get this: &p1=abc&p2=123

We added the outcome of actions 1 and 2 to the end of the ClickCease tracking template so we get this:


The final URL will be

For more information please refer to Google's Create and edit URLs and parameters:

Add URL parameters to a Final URL Suffix in Google Ads accounts

Updated on: 15/08/2024

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