How to pass parameters to the final URL suffix
When using Tapper, you'll need to place the Tapper tracking template at the account level in your Google Ads account. But what if you already have parameters set up there? Many services use the tracking template to send custom or Google Ads parameters to the final URL. Tapper allows you to keep those parameters intact. Simply append your custom parameters to the end of the Tapper tracking template, and our system will ensure they're included in the final URL. To pass Google Ads-related parametSome readersHow to remove the Tapper tracking template from your Google Ads account
When you connect your Google Ads account with Tapper during the onboarding process, the Tapper system automatically installs its tracking template at the account level of your Google Ads account. However, there may be instances where you need to remove the Tapper tracking template. This guide will walk you through the steps to do so. Sign in to your Google Ads account. Click the Admin button on the left side panel. Go to Account Settings. Select Tracking. Locate the Tapper trackFew readersHow to check if the paid marketing monitoring script is working on my site?
to check if the paid marketing monitoring script is working you need to: Open your landing page in a browser. Open the Inspect tool* and use the Fetch/XHR Add /?gclid (for Google Ads) or /?fbid (for Meta Facebook Ads) at the end of your domain's name (example: and click Enter. The statsV2?type line is your indication that the tracking code is firing properly. How to Open thFew readersManually blocked IPs are not showing as blocked Google Ads, why?
In rare instances, after adding IP addresses to the "Manually Exclude IPs" box in your Tapper dashboard, you might encounter a caching issue where the IPs you've added don't appear in your Google Ads exclusion lists. To resolve this, simply log out and then log back into your Google Ads account.Few readersI don't see ads traffic on my dashboard
There are several reasons for not seeing data in your dashboard. In general, your first indication for whether your Google or Facebook Ads accounts are properly linked to Tapper is the domain information summary on the main dashboard. If your domain status shows as Protected but you do not see data, contact our 24/7 support team and they will further check your account. Other things you can self-check in this scenario: You have yet to install the Monitoring Script to your landing pagesFew readersLow-level tracking templates override account-level tracking template
Tapper uses an account-level tracking template in Google Ads to monitor ad clicks. If you have a tracking template set at a lower level (campaign, ad group, or ad), the lower-level template will take precedence, causing the account-level template to be ignored. This issue can be resolved in a few ways: Lower-Level Tracking Template Not Needed: If the lower-level tracking templates are not required (they may be remnants of previous configurations), you can simply remove all lower-level tFew readersTapper access request is pending / unable to approve Tapper access request
If you're unable to approve Tapper's access request on your Google Ads account, it might be because you are not the account owner. Only the account owner has the authority to approve access requests. Even if you manage the account through an MCC account, you won't be able to approve the request. To approve Tapper's access request, log in directly to the account as the owner, or ask your client to approve the access.Few readersWhat if I already use a tracking template on the account level?
Using Tapper requires adding Tapper's Tracking Template at the account level in your Google Ads account. But what if you already have parameters set up? Many services also use the tracking template to send custom or Google Ads parameters to the final URL. Tapper allows you to utilize both. Simply add your custom parameters to the end of Tapper's tracking template, and our system will automatically append these parameters to the final URL. To pass Google Ads-related parameters effectively, theFew readers